History 3900-- Global Encounters

Questions Set A



Submit a written answer to the starred (*) questions on the due date.


Judd, ch. 3 (Aug 28)


*1. Briefly explain why the government created a board of control for the East India Company in 1784.

2. How long was a round-trip for trading ships to and from India?

3. Describe a few notable features of the lives of Company traders in India?


Webb, Stearns, and Cain/Hopkins on the Industrial Revolution (Sept 4)


4. Why did the population rise so dramatically in Europe starting in the 18th century?

*5. What were two major effects industrialization had on social life or social organization?

6.  Why would English gentlemen like imperial expansion?  [There are several possible answers]


Thompson and Trekkers (Sept 9)


7. What sorts of changes in British policy were missionaries like John Philip able to achieve?

8. What was one way the Trekkers obtained servants? (p. 92)

*9. Even after the Trekkers defeated the Zulus, they were not able to establish themselves in Natal. Why?

10. Can you organize Retief's complaints into a few basic themes?


Judd, ch. 4 (Sept.  11)


11. What were some important changes in the social life of the British in India during the 19th century?

*12. What was British policy regarding education in India?

13. Describe why Indians disliked British educational policy.


Judd, ch. 5 (Sept 16)


14. Describe two serious mistakes the British made that contributed to the Indian Rebellion of 1857

15. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Indian rebellion?

*16. Briefly describe the effects of the "Mutiny" on the British public.


Judd, ch. 6 (Sept 18)


17. What was a "babu," and why were they the object of British scorn?

18. Taking Lord Curzon to be typical of Conservative opinion, and William Gladstone to be representative of Liberal thinking, describe the difference between British Conservatives and Liberals on the future of India

*19.What was the Ilbert Bill, and why was it controversial?


Waley, pp. 22-69 (Sept 25)


20. What are two reasons that Commissioner Lin Tse-hs��s letter to Queen Victoria  would have failed to persuade the English?

21. What can you learn about the Chinese education system from Commissioner Lin�s diary?

22. Describe Lin�s view of Westerners

*23. How does Chinese law compare with English law?


Waley, pp. 69-111; 133-46 (Sept 30)


24. Why did the Chinese authorities report defeats as  victories, and what were the long-term consequences of this practice?

*25. What are the reasons Lin insists on the turnover of the murderer of Lin Wei-his, and why do the English resist? (In your answer, use the word �extraterritoriality.�)

26. Lin�s successors have even less hope of success than Lin in confronting the English.  What are the top three impediments to Chinese success, according to Commissioner Ch�i-shan?

27. The emperor blamed Lin for causing a war with England. To what extent was to blame or not?


Parliamentary Debate of 1857 (Oct 2)


28. What are two key points in Cobden�s argument against attacking the Chinese?

*29. What does Gladstone say is the foundation of British power in the East?

30. What is Palmerston�s view of the Chinese people?