Daily Focus Questions Set B


The Roman Republic

1. How did Roman religion differ from Greek religion?

2. What is a consul?

*3 How does the virtue of "gravitas" help maintain the republic?

4.What were two Roman policies that helped them expand into an empire?


Augustus and Authority

5. What are two things that Augustus does to restore peace?

*6. What are the advantages of the new Augustan administrative system?

7. How does Tacitus think Augustus managed to steal power from the senate?

8. Consider how important Augustus's personality was to his success, and why.


Augustus and Government

9. Why did Augustus wish to be depicted in statues with his head covered?

*10. Consider what the purpose of the marriage laws are besides increased procreation.

11. Why was Augustus's provincial administration effective?

12. In what sense was Augustus a conservative, and in what sense a reformer?


Islamic Ideas

13. What are the five pillars of Islam?

*14. When is fighting or war acceptable or not?

15. Pay attention Allah's wishes in Qu'ran.  What are the main concerns that God has?


Carolingian Empire

*16. What did the Frankish kings have to offer the pope, and what did the pope have to offer them?

17. How and why did Charlemagne promote education in his empire?

18. How did family and child-raising change in Carolingian times?


Priests and Aristocrats

19. What are two advances that help explain population growth after the year 1000?

20. What was the difference between a slave and a serf?

*21. It makes sense to speak of "feudalism" in the twelfth century, when the nobility became obsessed with what concerns?


Spiritual Revolution

22. Why was there so much church building in the middle ages?

*23. What are two main differences between Romanesque and Gothic churches?

24. According to the author, what does the number and variety of Gothic structures in Europe tell us about the 12th and 13th centuries?



25. What did Pope Urban II promise in a sermon at Clermont in 1095?

26. Who Jews attacked in the lead-up to the crusades, and why?

27. What type of person was Knight Templar?
*28. According to Raymond, [linked reading on webpage] what sort of divine intervention was needed for the Crusaders to beat the Turks at Antioch?