Daily Focus Questions Set A


Mesopotamian Legacy

*1. What is the key difference between laws 196, 198, and 199?

2.What are conclusions you can draw about Mesopotamian society based on knowledge of Hammurabi's Code.   


The Covenant and the Law

3. Compare Hammurabi 250-251 and Exodus 21: 28-9. Are these laws essentially the same or not?

*4. Compare Hammurabi 209-14 with Exodus 21: 22-27. What is the main difference in the treatment of slaves?

5. Compare Hammurabi 196-99 with Exodus 21: 22-25.

6. Understanding that Hammurabi's Code dates from about 1750 BCE and the Book of Exodus dates from about 1200 BCE, speculate about why the examples and wording in these laws are so similar.


Prophets and Divine History

*7. What are the various things that anger God, according to Jeremiah? 

8. How is God described in these passages?

9. Offer an example from Jeremiah of each of the following prophetic themes:

                a) God is a loving God

                b) God demands that people act justly

                c) God acts through history to improve the people of Israel


King David

10. What were the sins David committed?

11. What did David do to cover up his crimes?

*12. What three punishments did God impose on David?

13. Consider why God chose these particular punishments, and what it shows about God's motives and intentions.


Rise of Athens

14. Pericles suggests that Athens has a well-balanced life.  Fill in the part he says balanced each aspect named below:  Athenians

a. personal freedom does not make Athenians ­­­________________________________

b. Athenians work hard but they also __________________________________________

*c. Athenians have an easier life than Spartans, but ­­­­­­­­­­____________________________

d. a refined lifestyle does not make Athenians  __________________________________

e. Athenians balance their public duties with ­­­­­­­__________________________________

f. careful deliberation does not prevent them from also being _______________


Classical Culture

15. What are the basic similarities between the Doryphoros and the Korous?

*16. What are the basic differences between the Doryphoros and the Korous,?

17. Why do these differences matter?

18. What were the goals of the architects of the Parthenon?


Intellectual Revolution

19. Why does S (Socrates) say that a prisoner released from the cave would think at first that the shadows were more real than the things themselves?

20. When his eyes and mind adjust, the free person will learn what?

*21. What happens when the released person returns? How do the cave dwellers  respond to him?

22. The escape from the cave represents what philosophical idea?

23. How does this story relate the story of Socrates?

Hellenistic World

*24. Compare the differences between the Doryphoros and the Laoco�n (see artpage) in terms of artistic style, form and emotional impact.