History 1100 -Honors

Question Set C


Medieval Culture

1. What were the scholastics interested in discovering?

*2. In what sense are mystics the opposite of scholastics?

3. What tasks did the mendicant orders perform?

*4. What needs drove monarchies in late medieval times to establish representative bodies?


Lovers� Trial

5. What are two arguments that the man makes to support his case that the his lover should carry on a love affair with him?

6. What are two arguments that the woman makes to the opposite



7. What does the cart symbolize in the story?

*8. What does the sword bridge symbolize?

*9. What does Lancelot think is the reason Guinevere has rejected him after he obtained her release?

10. What is the true reason she has rejected him? 

11. What is the moral of this story?


Late Middle Ages (no stars: review but do not turn in)

12. What factors diminished the power of the papacy after 1300?

13. The description of the battle of Crecy on pp. 374-75 indicates a major shift in the way war was being fought.  What was that change?

14. What are two important historical consequences of the Black Death?



*15.What really baffles Petrarch about the Black Death? What is his state of mind after losing so many friends?

*16. [Boccaccio] Which method of surviving the plague worked best?

17. What is a similarity and a difference between the explanations of Mussis and Conrad?

18. What reasons does Konrad have that the cause of plague is fumes?

Trial of Joan of Arc

*19. What crimes is Joan accused of?



20. What is one argument that the Renaissance is the emergence of a new era?

21.What defines humanism?

*22. What features of Italian economic and social life helped fuel the Renaissance?

*23. In what ways is Christian humanism like other forms of Renaissance humanism?  What is one way that it is different?