FOCUS QUESTIONS  *= write out a paragraph answer to this question


Module 1: The Renaissance


Wed. Jan 15: The Renaissance Humanism [Development in Art]


1. Describe the difference between each painting, and the one preceding it in time.

*2. In a few sentences, describe the trends and developments in visual arts from the 1200s to the 1500s.


Fri. Jan 17: Machiavelli on Cesare Borgia [Txt:  1-9; 50-56]


3. What has made Machiavelli disliked in most of history?

*4. What is a humanist, and in what sense is Machiavelli a humanist?

5. What were two key actions Borgia (Valentino) used to secure power?

6. What principle of statecraft does Borgia's career illustrate?


Wed. Jan 22: Machiavellian Politics [Txt: 64-72]


7. Put in your own words the Machiavelli's political principle in chap. 15

*8. What argument about human nature does M. make to support his contention that it is better to be feared than loved? [chap. 17]

9. Machiavelli emphasizes the importance of deception in good leadership [chap. 18]. What is his main reason for this?  In your own words, consider an argument for and against Machiavelli's position on deception.

10. [In class] Machiavelli contrasts how we think political power should work, and how it really does work. In each chapter (16,17,18) he contrasts one a pair of should be/really is.  Identify the pair in each chapter.


Fri: Jan 24: Exploration and Exploitation [Txt: 85-99; 126-31]


11. Why did Columbus have trouble convincing the Portuguese and Spanish monarchies to support his voyage?

12. What was the purpose of Columbus's first voyage, and how successful was it?

*13. What did Columbus think of the people he encountered?

14. What was Columbus interested in, and not interested in?


Mon. Jan 27: Writing Day: Columbus and Slavery [Txt: 143-54]


15. Who was Cuneo? Consider if he seems to be a reliable source.

*16. What is Columbus doing on his second voyage to "India?"

17. Not finding precious metals, the Spanish set their minds towards what other sort of wealth?

18. Cuneo describes the natives' reaction to being subject to capture by the Spanish. Are you surprised by the people's response to this threat?  Is Cuneo surprised?



Module 2: The Reformation


Wed. Jan 29: Reformation [Luther and the Reformation, and Luther's Christian Liberty]


19. What are two historical developments that set the stage for the Reformation?

20. In the language of the day, what were "works?"

21. In the excerpt from Christian Liberty, Luther presents a paradox.  Look up a definition of the word "paradox."

*22. How does Luther resolve the paradox? In other words, how can a Christian be both free, and also a servant?


Fri. Jan 31: Protestants and Catholics [Txt: 157-59; Loyola, Spiritual Exercises]


23. According to Calvin, how can you tell if someone is predestined to salvation?

24. Compare Loyola to Calvin on the issue of predestination. Does Loyola believe in predestination?

*25. Compare Loyola to Luther on their views about the priesthood, works of faith, and the scriptures.

26. Who lives a stricter life, a Calvinist or a Jesuit (Loyola's order)?


Mon. Feb 3: Religious Wars [Txt: 161-66]


27. According to the pamphlet, The Wake-Up Call for the French, who created rulers, and why?

*28. The pamphlet says that the king does not have absolute powers. What limits should there be to the king's powers?

29. [In class] What does the St. Bartholomew Day's Massacre and its aftermath reveal about the relation of religion and politics in 16th century France?


Wed. Feb 5: Common People [Little Red Riding Hood and other Tales]


30.  If one took "Little Red Riding Hood" as an allegory, what is the meaning of the wolf's command for the innocent girl to strip, and then his devouring her?

*31. What is the moral of the story in the original "Little Red Riding Hood"?

32. According to Puss 'n Boots, what does it take to make it in this world?

33. What do these two stories tell us about the life of common people in 16th-17th century Europe?



Module 3: Scientific Revolution


Fri. Feb 7: Scientific Revolution [Txt: 167-76; Newton's rules of reason]


34. How did political and religious divisions in Europe actually help bring about the Scientific Revolution?

*35. What did Galileo see on the moon with his telescope, and how did this challenge traditional Aristotelian thought?  (Look at bottom of page 170 and p. 174.)

36.  Newton describes reasoning by induction. Look up a definition of this term.

37. [In class] Consider how both inductive and deductive reasoning can be combined to produce the modern scientific method


Mon. Feb 10: Science and Religion [Galileo's letter; Txt. 198-200]


*38. Galileo argues that the Bible is not a good source of knowledge about nature.  Why?

39. How can Galileo claim to be a good Christian by relying on observation and reason when it comes to natural science?

40. What is a significant conclusion that Descartes draws from the truth that "I think, therefore I am."

41. [In class] Both Galileo and Descartes accept the existence of God.  In what ways do they depart from traditional Christianity?



Module 4: The Enlightenment


Fri. Feb. 14: Enlightenment [Txt: 298-300; 306-312]


42. Enlightenment thinkers hoped to liberate the mind from what?

43. Newton's laws of physics suggested that it might be possible to accomplish what in politics?

*44. Describe three traditional beliefs that "enlightened" Christians abandoned

45. How could the pursuit of science be seen by some as an act of piety?


Mon. Feb. 17: Locke on Education  [Txt: 300-04; 334-340]


46. Locke distrusted custom and traditional authority.  What did he think was the ultimate true authority for individuals and society? (pp.302-3)

47. What did Locke argue for in the Two Treatises of Government?

48. In terms of physical health, Locke thinks children need more of what?

*49. Why does Locke believe that physical punishment is a bad educational tool?


Wed. Feb 19: Locke and Rousseau [Txt: 344-45; Rousseau on Education]


50. Locke believes that parents should reason with children rather than chiding (scolding). Why is reasoning with children so important?

51. What does Rousseau think is wrong with typical education in his day?

*52. Why is reasoning with children doomed to failure, according to Rousseau?

53. [In-class] Rousseau criticizes Locke directly on the issue of reasoning with children.       

                                     Which writers do you think is right on this argument, and why?


Fri. Feb. 21: French Revolution


--Questions for this session will be discussed in class time, and may be submitted for points


Mon. Feb 24: Extension of Rights [389-98]


54.. Why does La Fare think that Jews do not deserve full rights as citizens?

55. What did the French Assembly decide to do about Jews in 1791? What about slaves in 1794?

*56. According to Gouges, how has the Revolution changed the condition of women for good and bad?

57. How would you assess Gouges' "Social Contract between man and woman"?


Wed. Feb. 26: Industrial Revolution


58. What is the material definition of the Industrial Revolution?

59. Why was the cotton textile industry ideal for industrialization?

*60. What was the most important reason the Industrial Revolution began in Britain?


Fri. Feb28: Writing Day:  Factory Life [Views of Factory Life]


61. About how many hours per week are the workers in the factory?

*62. Notice that all three authors discuss children.  What can you learn about working class children from these readings?

63. Summarize in a sentence what Owen finds wrong with factories.  Do the same for Kay.

64. Why does Ure think that factories are positively good for kids?



Module 5: Ideas of Progress


Mon. Mar 10: Ideas of Progress [J. S. Mill, On Liberty]


*65. What matters most in human existence, according to Mill?

66. What hinders individual development?

67. How does individualism improve society?


Wed. Mar 12: Liberalism and Socialism [Txt: 511-19]


68. Marx says history consists of one thing, which is what?

69. Marx says the bourgeoisie (the middle classes) are the real revolutionaries.  What revolutions have they accomplished?

*70. What is, historically speaking, the most important creation of the bourgeois industrial revolution? [see p. 518]

71. Marx says the bourgeoisie has created a new despotism.  In what way are the workers "slaves" of the owners?


Fri. Mar14: Science and Evolution [Txt: 547-57; Darwin, Descent of Man]


72. How did the overpopulation theory of Thomas Malthus help Darwin derive his theory of natural selection?

73.What evidence can you produce that if Darwin hadn't produced a theory of evolution, some else would have?

74. According to Darwin, how did human beings evolve their sense of morality?

*75. What are two things Darwin thinks we should do to promote our evolutionary adancement?


Mon. Mar 17: Triumph of Nationalism [Txt: 452-61]


76. Mazzini thinks that Europe has not solved its social problems, because it is stuck on a false ideal. Which idea is that?

*77. How does Mazzini connect the idea of national unity to religious faith?

78. How is Mazzini's idea of country similar to Rousseau's theory of government? [see p. 461]


Wed. Mar 19: Imperialism


79. How did the events of 1871 help trigger a new phase of imperialist expansion?

*80. What was one important technology for imperialists, and how did it help them dominate territories?

81. What are two lasting legacies of European imperialism today?


Fri. Mar 21: Imperialist Ideals [Pearson and Baden-Powell]


82. According to Karl Pearson, how does civilization evolve?

83. What is Pearson's position on the conflict between the classes?

*84. In Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell talks about many threats to Britain and its Empire.  Name two.

85. How are Indians portrayed in the Scouts' "Display"?



Module 6: Mass Society


Mon. Mar 24: Mass Society [Beaven, Leisure, Citizenship]


86. What sort of industry is the city of Coventry (England) known for?

*87. Why was football (soccer) important to the factory workers there?

88. How did the Singer team's triumph in 1891 affect the thinking of city leaders?


Wed. Mar 26: Popular Culture [Songs of Tin Pan Alley]


89. "Daisy Bell," "Hello Ma Baby," and "In my Merry Oldsmobile" all have a theme in common, which gave these songs a very modern, up-to-date feel.  What was that common theme? [Consider the title of the last one]

*90. "A Hot Time," "Hello! Ma Baby" and "Under the Bamboo Tree" were examples of a very popular style known by the racist term, "coon songs." Besides their ragtime rhythms, what else do these three songs all have in common?


Module 7: Total War


Mon. Mar. 31: Total War  [Txt: 593-603]


91. What was "social Darwinism," and how did it contribute to conflict between European nations?

92. Why was the Balkan region a place for conflict between European powers?

*93. Why did some people hope for a European war?


Wed. Apr 2: World War I [All Quiet chs. 1-5]


*94. Who is Kantorek, and what does he stand for in the story of the war?

95. What are the differences between the four school friends and the other men in the company?

96. Who is Himmelstoss, and what sort of attitude and ideas does he represent?

97. Who is Katczinsky, and what is his explanation for the war?

98. What happens to soldiers when they go to the front line?  What keeps them alive?


Fri. Apr 4: Writing Day: World War I [All Quiet chs. 6-8; Txt: 633-34; 638-40]


99. What is gained after the big battle described in chapter 6?

*100. Why is Paul so irritated by his father and his father's friends?

101. Why did he decide to lie to Kemmerich's mother?  Was it the right thing to do?

102. Compare the letters from the German soldiers in the textbook with the novel.  What is one important similarity between the novel and at least one of these letters?


Mon. Apr. 7: All Quiet on the Western Front [All Quiet 9-12]


103. Tjaden asks "What is the war for?"  What answers do the men come up with?

*104. How does his time with the dead French soldier in the shell hole change Paul's outlook on the war?

105. What is the condition of the German army in the final months of the war?

106. How and why does Paul die at the end?


Wed. Apr 9: Modernism [Modern Art]


107. What is true of all modernist art?

*108. What are two important characteristics of Bauhaus architecture?

109. What is hopeful or progressive about modernist art?


Fri. Apr 11: Modernism and Fascism [Txt: 618-24; 673-81]


110. What are three new countries created after World War I?

111. How and why did World War I affect the political rights of women?

*112. Why did Germans think that the treaty of Versailles was unjust?

113. What were two reasons the Nazis were able win the hearts and votes of many Germans?


Mon. Apr. 14: Total War, part 2 [Txt: 687-96]


114. What did Germany hope to accomplish by conquering the Soviet Union?

*115. Why was 1943 the critical turning point in the war?

116. When and why did the "final solution" begin?

117. What did the allied leader agree to do at the meetings at Potsdam in 1945?



Module 8: European Union


Wed. Apr. 16: European Recovery [Txt: 707-14]


118. According to the Truman Doctrine, what does the US promise to do, and how?

*119. According to Marshall, why is massive assistance to European countries in the American interest?

120. What is the main threat that both Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan was meant to meet?

121. How can the Russians argue that US aid is a plot to dominate Europe?


Fri. Apr. 18: European Integration [Txt: 715-25]


*122. What are three reasons Schumann believes that the unified French/German coal and steel production will help unite Europe?

123. How does this plan compare with the political economic relations of France and Germany after World War I?

*124. What worries the US government the most about the situation in Europe in 1956?

125, Why would the leader of France be especially interested in preserving the integrity of the nation-state?  Think of the size and history of France.


Mon. Apr. 21: Writing Day: New Liberalism [Songs of the 60s]


126. Explain how at least two of the songs are romantic in nature

*127. In your own words, what are the Beatles saying about protest and revolution?

128. What do Crosby, Stills and Nash say about the generation gap?

129. Identify a theme common to most of these songs.  What does this common theme suggest about the 1960s?


Wed. Apr. 23: 1989 [Txt: 726-733]


*130. What evidence is there that the economy and poverty was not really a factor in the democratization movements?

131. How was global communications and the language of human rights connected in the 1980s?

132. Consider the links between the authors first cause of democratization (generational change) and the fourth (end of the cold war).


Fri. Apr. 25: European Union?


*133. What groups in Europe oppose further integration, and why?

134. What problems does immigration pose for European society, and how is Germany, Britain and France responding to them?