Focus Questions  Part A


Wed. Jan 9: The Renaissance


1. Describe the difference between each painting, and the one preceding it in time.

*2. In a few sentences, describe the trends and developments in visual arts from the 1200s to the 1500s.


Fri. Jan 11: Machiavelli on Cesare Borgia (Txt: 1-12; 50-56)


3. What has made Machiavelli disliked in most of history?

*4. What is a humanist, and in what sense is Machiavelli a humanist?

5. What were two key actions Borgia (Valentino) used to secure power?

6. What principle of statecraft does Borgia's career illustrate?


Mon. Jan 14: Modern Politics (Txt: 64-72)


7. Put in your own words the Machiavelli's political principle in chap. 15

*8. What argument about human nature does M. make to support his contention that it is better to be feared than loved? [chap. 17]

9. Machiavelli emphasizes the importance of deception in good leadership [chap. 18]. What is his main reason for this?  In your own words, consider an argument for and against Machiavelli's position on deception.

10. [In class] Machiavelli contrasts how we think political power should work, and how it really does work. In each chapter (16,17,18) he contrasts one a pair of should be/really is.  Identify the pair in each chapter.


Wed: Jan 16: Exploration and Exploitation (Txt: 85-99; 126-31)


11. Why did Columbus have trouble convincing the Portuguese and Spanish monarchies to support his voyage?

12. What was the purpose of Columbus's first voyage, and how successful was it?

*13. What did Columbus think of the people he encountered?

14. What was Columbus interested in, and not interested in?


Fri. Jan 18: Crusader in Paradise (Txt: 143-54)


15. Who was Cuneo? Consider if he seems to be a reliable source.

*16. What is Columbus doing on his second voyage to "India?"

17. Not finding precious metals, the Spanish set their minds towards what other sort of wealth?

18. Cuneo describes the natives' reaction to being subject to capture by the Spanish. Are you surprised by the people's response to this threat?  Is Cuneo surprised?


Wed. Jan 23: Reformation (Luther: Christian Liberty)


19. At the beginning of the excerpt, Luther presents a paradox.  Look up a definition of the word "paradox."

*20. How does Luther resolve the paradox? In other words, how is someone free, and also a servant?

21. If doing works with the body, that is, performing rituals, praying, fasting, etc., has no use for the soul, what can help the soul find justification with God?


Fri. Jan 25: Protestants and Catholics (Txt: 157-59; Loyola, Spiritual Exercises)


22. According to Calvin, how can you tell if someone is predestined to salvation?

23. Compare Loyola to Calvin on the issue of predestination. Does Loyola believe in predestination?

*24. Compare Loyola to Luther on their views about the priesthood, works of faith, and the scriptures.

25. Who lives a stricter life, a Calvinist or a Jesuit (Loyola's order)?


Mon. Jan 28: Religious Wars (Txt: 161-66)


26. According to the pamphlet, The Wake-Up Call for the French, who created rulers, and why?

*27. The pamphlet says that the king does not have absolute powers. What limits should there be to the king's powers?

28. [In class] What does the St. Bartholomew Day's Massacre and its aftermath reveal about the relation of religion and politics in 16th century France?


Wed. Jan 30: Common People (Little Red Riding Hood and other Tales)


29.  If one took "Little Red Riding Hood" as an allegory, what is the meaning of the wolf's command for the innocent girl to strip, and then his devouring her?

*30. What is the moral of the story in the original "Little Red Riding Hood"?

31. According to Puss 'n Boots, what does it take to make it in this world?

32. What do these two stories tell us about the life of common people in 16th-17th century Europe?


Fri. Feb 1: Specter of witchcraft (Trial of Susanne Gaudry)


*33. What do the witch stories in the "Common People" link for Jan. 30 reveal about who witches and their victims were.

34. What is Suzanne Gaudry accused of doing?

35. Explain why Suzanne changed her story twice during the trial

36. Describe three forms of evidence used to prove that Gaudry was a witch.


Mon. Feb 4: Scientific Revolution (Txt: 191-96; 198-200; Newton's rules of reason)


37. Descartes, with all his doubts about truth, finds inspiration in what branch of knowledge?

*38. What is a significant conclusion that Descartes draws from the truth that "I think, therefore I am."

39. Compare Newton's first law and Descartes' first law (p. 196).  Do they have anything in common?

40. Descartes describes reasoning by deduction, while Newton describes reasoning by induction. Look up a definition of both of these terms.

41. [In class] Consider how both inductive and deductive reasoning can be combined to produce the modern scientific method


Wed. Feb 6: Science and Religion (Newton's rules on Scripture; Galileo's letter)


*42. Galileo argues that the Bible is not a good source of knowledge about nature.  Why?

43. How can Galileo claim to be a good Christian by relying on observation and reason when it comes to natural science?

44. Compare Newton's Scripture Rules 2 and 9 with Rules of Natural Reasoning no. 1

45. Compare Newton's Scripture Rules 1-5 with Rules of Natural Reasoning no. 2

46. [In class]: Compare Newton's and Galileo's views on the nature and purpose of the Bible