Institutional Research & Effectiveness

Qualtrics Surveys

Conducting surveys at Wright State University

campus picture

As a member of the Wright State University community, you are eligible for a Qualtrics account during your time at the university.  Qualtrics is a web-based survey tool available to all faculty (current and Emeritus), staff, and students. Use of this account must comply with University Survey Policy, Digital Accessibility, and Responsible Use of University Computing Resources.

Requests for lists of Wright State constituents must be submitted to the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (IR&E) 14 business days prior to survey distribution and are subject to approval. If approved, the survey will be added to the University Survey Calendar.

Surveys used for research involving human subjects must undergo review by Wright State's Institutional Review Board (IRB). For more information, visit the Office of Human Research Protections Program.


Qualtrics support is available:


  • How do I log into my account?
    1. Visit
    2. Enter your campus user name and password.
    3. If you are a first time user, you will be prompted to update your account.  
    4. Note that you are limited to the creation of only one Qualtrics account.
  • How can I get answers to my questions about Qualtrics?
    1. Log in to Qualtrics and click Help in the upper right corner.
    2. Choose Support Site to access training, FAQs, and documentation.
    3. To contact support with a specific question, choose Contact Support.
      • On the login screen, click on Sign in with SSO.
      • Enter wright as the organization ID.
      • If prompted, enter your campus username and password.
  • Can I have my survey limits increased?

    Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis.  Requests should be directed to the Help Desk at 937-775-4827.