CaTS | Information Technology

Phishing Scam Notice for 1/16/15

Please be aware of the following phishing scam that is targeting J.P.
Morgan Chase customers. This text is a direct quote from a J.P. Morgan
Chase email about the issue.

J.P. Morgan has received a report of a new malicious email containing a
malware program designed to steal information and user credentials for
online banking websites. A current version of this email contains the
following details:

Subject: Payment from Chase bank

Body: You have received a payment from J.P. Morgan Chase for amount
17,841.00. Please check details attached.

Please Do Not open, click on any links, or click to download attachments
or pictures from the email.
Please Forward the email to and take advantage of the
Cyber Fraud & Secure Online
Banking Webinar available in Support and Community.

Malware Alert

J.P. Morgan has received reports of fraudsters successfully installing
on clients' computers malware that requests that the user make multiple
log on attempts, enter token codes multiple times as part of the log on,
or asks the end user to have someone else log on from their machine.
J.P. Morgan ACCESS will never request that another user attempt to log
on from your computer.