CaTS | Information Technology

Campus Windows 10 Upgrade

Windows 10

In early July, CaTS began the migration from Windows 7 to Windows 10. The scope of this migration will include:

  • All newly purchased, university-owned Windows computers.
  • Existing university-owned Windows computers.
  • Existing Windows computer labs and classroom instructor stations. More information regarding this update will be sent out shortly.

What is Windows 10?
Windows 10 is the latest operating system released by Microsoft and features cosmetic differences from Windows 7. This transition is necessary due to Microsoft's planned end of support of Windows 7 in January 2020.

How Will This Upgrade Affect Me?

  • Computers purchased after July 1 will come pre-installed with Windows 10.
  • Existing computers will need to be upgraded or replaced by January 2020.
    • CaTS is still working through the upgrade plan for existing computers installed in campus offices. We will be reaching out to academic and business unit leadership in the next few months to plan upgrades within departments.
    • For a list of computer models that are compatible with Windows 10 visit:

Demos, Training, and Known Issues

  • The 026 LX virtual computer lab currently features machines running on Windows 10. If you are interested in trying out Windows 10, you can visit this 24 hour lab at your convenience.
  • General Navigation training for Windows 10 will be available as CaTS begins this transition. Training will be available in 005 Library Annex on the following dates:
  • Current Known Issues and FAQs are available on the Windows 10 project website. You can view these and read more about this project at:

If you have any questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email