The Performance Appraisal: An Obligation

Thursday, October 31, 2013, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
3855 University Park, Room #111

From OD and Learning, this WSU Leadership Academy program is tailored for anyone in a supervisory/leadership role at WSU - with staff reporting to them. This interactive program will look at ... defining Performance Management; Performance Management as an on-going process; the importance of documentation; the 'benefits' of a performance appraisal; how you're being perceived; key 'ingredients' in the process; why focusing on core competencies is vital; the importance of effective communication and the 'seven solutions' to a successful performance appraisal. If you're a supervisor/leader at WSU, this program should be considered another 'essential' to place in your leadership 'toolbox.' Registration is required. Please contact OD and Learning at or call ext. 4705.

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