Innovation Weekend

Innovation Weekend Information
Friday, April 12, 5 pm to Sunday, April 14, 2019, 5 pm
Student Success Room 207
Current Students

Join us for a weekend intensive innovation event (“Hackathon”) to address a long-standing problem of significance in both the military and public sectors. You will work with other students from varied backgrounds to push the solutions as far as you can in the weekend timeframe and will pitch your ideas to regional experts on the problem.


 The topic for this event is "Plastic Contamination of Oceans and Waterways"

Plastic contamination of the oceans and open waterways is a global crisis.  Estimates range from 8-12 million metric tons of plastic waste entering the oceans each year, and that number is continuing to rise annually.  Indeed, by 2050, it has been estimated that the mass of all the plastic waste in the oceans will surpass the total biomass of these bodies of water.  If left unabated, the problem will continue to grow for much of this century, with a myriad of effects on humans and all of the organisms that call the oceans and other open waters home.  We need to quickly identify ways to clean up existing waste, prevent additional plastics from entering the environment, and come up with safe disposal methods for existing plastic debris and recovered waste.

•All Wright State University students are eligible to participate.

•Students will work in teams with other students from varied backgrounds.

•Mentors and experts will be available to answer questions.

•Teams will pitch their ideas to regional experts on the problem. 

•Registration is requested



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