Fast Track to a Flipped Classroom: Lecture Capture with Panopto Recorder for Mac

Friday, January 27, 2017, 10:10 am to 11:25 am
023 Dunbar Library

Led by Ben Penry, Digital Technology Analyst and Bryan Beverly, Sr. Digital Technology Analyst/Project Manager, CTL.  Interested in a quick and easy alternative to Tegrity to make your lectures available to students in Pilot?  This workshop is for you!  Panopto is Wright State University’s new media management system that makes sharing videos with your students a breeze.  In this workshop, we’ll examine the Panopto Recorder, a lecture capture tool that can be used to record videos in the classroom, as well as from your home or office.  The Panopto Recorder is free to download for both Windows and Mac computers.  We will go through the entire process step-by-step, including: setting-up Panopto in Pilot, installing the software, examining the video/audio recording options, uploading, sharing, and evaluating statistics.

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