Cameos of Caring

Lisa Stangle - Southwest Ohio School Nurses Association

Recognition Year: 

Lisa Stangle has served in a leadership position at Southwest Ohio School Nurses Association for four years, in addition to having served as a dedicated school nurse with Dayton Public Schools (DPS) for over 20 years. “Every day’s a new day,” Lisa says of school nursing. “You never know what’s going to come walking in the clinic.” While advocating for students, she willingly accepted the additional role as Intervention Assistant Team chairperson. Her efforts have contributed to student academic achievement. Lisa works tirelessly and selflessly to serve the entire DPS Health Services Department. She acts as the electronic health records “guru” and provides computer training and ongoing assistance to the school nursing staff—all with the utmost of patience. She has spent countless hours beyond the normal workday to understand the inner workings of eSchool, the district’s electronics health records system. This has strengthened the department’s ability to monitor trends in student health and evaluated the care provided by the school nursing staff. As director of the department, Lisa has proven herself invaluable to its growth toward best practices and evidence-based standards of care.

Southwest Ohio School Nurses Association - Lisa Stangle