Cameos of Caring

Good Samaritan Hospital—May Withers

Recognition Year: 

May Withers has been a Registered Nurse for 39 years and has worked the past 23 years at Good Samaritan Hospital. As the go-to person in the Same Day Admission Outpatient Recovery Unit, May is known for her sound, simple suggestions that improve patient care. She ensures that supplies are not contaminated or wasted and strives for ways to improve patient safety. She is a very capable nurse who also brings her sewing talents to the job. For instance, she makes holders for Jackson Pratt drains for those patients who are fearful their drains may become dislodged. Asking nothing in return, she donates enough holders each week for the patients who pass through the various units at Good Samaritan. A peer calls May “a wonderful person who is able to exemplify nursing at its best; she fosters relationships with co-workers as well as patients.” May earned her diploma in nursing from West Suffolk General Hospital in England. She is a Certified Emergency Nurse.