May 20, 2021 - [OFFICIAL-L] Update on mask requirements on campus

Dear Campus Community,

Just like a year ago, information and directives from health agencies and government agencies are changing regularly. As Wright State University continues to plan for summer and fall operations, we will adjust our plans and protocols as necessary, while keeping the health and safety of our campus community our top priority. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we bring more people back to campus.

Based on the changes to federal and State of Ohio health guidance, Wright State will make the following adjustments to our campus health and safety protocols:

Outdoor masking: Effective immediately, fully vaccinated people do not need to wear a mask outdoors on Wright State's Dayton and Lake Campuses. The university strongly recommends that unvaccinated people wear masks when they cannot maintain safe distancing from others. Note that individuals are fully vaccinated 14 days after receiving their final shot.

Indoor masking: Masks are still required indoors, except when individuals are working alone in a closed space such as their own office or lab (not a shared workspace). The university continues to review our fall plans in hopes of lifting the on-campus mask requirement.

Keeping our indoor mask requirement in place will give more people time to get vaccinated and provide protection for parents who have small children who are not currently able to get vaccinated. The university is also taking a cautious approach as we consider changes to health and safety protocols as more employees gradually return to campus.

Wright State also strongly encourages you to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines are available through Wright State Physicians; call 937-245-7200 to schedule an appointment. Information about other vaccine providers in Ohio is available at

I understand that any change in protocols will be received positively by many and create concerns for others. Please be respectful of others' views and continue to look out for each other.

Please visit the university's coronavirus website frequently to stay aware of changes that may occur regularly and with little or no notice.
